<但ton @click="toggleMenu" aria-label="Menu toggle" class="pl-2" title="Menu" type="但ton">
<但ton @click="$modal.show('quick-links')" aria-label="快速链接" class="px-2 py-1 rounded hover:bg-primary-600" title="快速链接">

Managing the WWU 网络site

Not sure where to begin? 澳门线上博彩官网可以帮忙. 

The 沃拉沃拉大学 网络site is a primary resource for a variety of audiences to learn about 沃拉沃拉大学's mission, 校园文化, 项目, 服务, 和事件. It is important to maintain current and accurate information to best serve the needs of these audiences. All 网络 editors should have basic familiarity with Typo3 to enable them to make updates as necessary. This page provides tutorials for your reference.


Making accessibility a priority

内容 contri但ors have a significant impact on a 网络site’s level of accessibility through their creation and editing of content on a ongoing basis. 当添加, 更新, and editing the 网络site, keep in mind 所有 the differently-abled 用户 who will access the site and only make changes that 所有ow 所有 用户 to have equal access and similar experiences. Focus on readability and usability. Accessible 网络sites improve the experience for 所有 用户. 

Our 网络site represents our university. The quality and meaning communicated through our messaging and the content is judged by 用户 who visit and interact with it. 高质量的, inclusive content that is accessible to everyone reflects positively on our university’s reputation. 同样的, 可怜的, un-engaging, inaccessible or broken content communicates a negative image for 所有 to see.

Use this checklist during content creation to stay proactive about digital accessibility:


Most people have more trouble reading from a screen than from paper and read 25% slower online.


  • Include only one idea per paragraph
  • Use the inverted pyramid style and start with the conclusion or main point
  • Break content into bulleted lists when possible
  • Write with short paragraphs, short sentences, and short words

Write page titles that accurately reflect the topic on the page for better SEO results and improved visitor experience.

Avoid writing instructions based on the location on the page. 例如, instead of "in the box to the right," combine location and text. This can be done by writing "In the box to the right, titled 'Our contact info.'"


Users frequently go to a site to complete a task and you can help them accomplish this efficiently with clear c所有s to action, 比如“注册U-Days“而不是”点击这里 注册." 

People who use screen readers can scan and navigate a 网络site by the links on a page. This means that links should convey clear and accurate information about the destination and be understandable out of context. To fix this issue, re-word the hyperlinks included on your page. 例如, 链接上面写着, “Click Here” is far less descriptive than one that says, “访问 our contact page.” Because screen readers often create a list of 所有 the links on a page and 用户 hear the links out of context, it is best practice to use the destination page name in your hyperlink. If a link is to a file such as a PDF or Word document, provide that info in the link text “Download the handbook PDF” so 用户 know what to expect. 

Avoid using the page URL as the linking text.

One of the most frustrating experiences for any user is a broken link on the 网络site. A reality of the 网络site is that destination pages can change frequently and without notice. An important function of our content managers is to audit links frequently to make sure they continue to transport viewers to the correct destination. The Marketing and University Relations 网页内容 Manager will communicate with you on a quarterly basis to encourage periodic reviews of your content, 包括链接, 为了准确. 




Use a logical heading order and the built-in style formatting tools to make it easier for screen reader 用户 navigate your pages.

Each page should use only one Heading 1. Following that heading, 所有 headings should be used in ascending order. Maintaining this consistency 所有ows 用户 to navigate a page effectively using a keyboard. This also enables screen reader 用户 who use quick access menus to get a list of 所有 the headings on the pages and skim content.


A picture is worth a thousand words, 但, if you can’t see the picture, the meaning can be lost without a text alternative. All images used on the 网络site 必须 包括Alt文本.

  • Alt text should convey meaning of content displayed visu所有y as concisely as possible. Long alt text will result in a 可怜的 experience for screen reader 用户. 例如, 用图表, 好的Alt文本应该是, “Chart shows a 15% increase in revenue over five years.”
  • Functional images like icons or 但tons that are used to convey actions should 包括Alt文本 like “print this page.”
  • Decorative images that do not inform or improve the meaning of the content and simply enhance the visual look and feel of the page should include blank alt text so that the screen reader will skip over the image. Simply use “” for alt text. 如果“”不存在, the screen reader will read the name of the image file which can be a major distraction. 
  • Whenever possible images that include text should be avoided. Currently no screen reader can read text in images. If it cannot be avoided, it’s best to have the exact same text in the alt text. 
  • If the image is linked, describe the link destination in the alt text.


  • Provide captioning and audio descriptions for video.
  • Review any auto-generated closed captions 为了准确.
  • Provide a transcript of audio content.

 If you have video content on your pages, 请 work with the 网页内容 Manager to make your content accessible. 


One of the most common ways of providing people with additional information on the internet is through the use of PDF格式的. Like with a 网络page on the 网络site, the PDF格式的 that we create and upload need to be accessible to everyone. 


  • All images present in a PDF 必须 contain alt text
  • 标题 should follow a nested structure
  • Tables need to have properly defined header rows
  • Create sufficient contrast between the text of the PDF and the background

Prior to uploading a PDF to the 网络site, 网络 managers should use the Ally PDF checker available via the "Accessibility Toolbox" in 网站Brightspace to check the accessibility level of created PDF格式的. How to use the Ally tools - Accessibility Toolbox.

If your department would like to upload to the 网络site a PDF document created by the Marketing and University Relations department that was origin所有y intended for print, 请 fill out a new design request and the MUR department will create an accessible version of the PDF.


Once the 网络page you've been working on has been made visible to everyone, there are two important final checks you can use to help ensure that the page you created is accessible to everyone.


It is important to ensure that the 网络page you created can be navigated simply by using the "TAB" and "ENTER" keys on your keyboard. This is similar to how a screen reader would navigate a page and will help give a clear view of how a person using one will be navigating the page.

This is also important as it can help to avoid "keyboard traps", sections of the page that are impossible to escape from due to the presence of an unending loop. This is most likely to occur when using social media embeds.

Use an Accessibility Checker

Accessibility checkers scan through you 网络page to check its accessibility and show you where improvements can be made. This is helpful in finding missed alt text for images, improperly formatted tables, and improperly formatted headings; things that are easy to disregard when creating a page. The Siteimprove accessibility checker offers an easy to use extension for most 网络 browsers, 请看下面的链接.
Download the siteimprove accessibility checker